The picky eater picky eater

By Dr. David Butler

Many have encountered a child fitting the picky eater description.  Maybe you have a child who plays this role.  Perhaps you are one of the parents I see who has pleaded, begged, bribed, or bargained with their child to eat the food you have prepared.

You might have even made airplane or train sounds to get one bite of food in your child’s mouth.  I’ve been there, and I see many of you in the same predicament every day.

Several manufacturers make supplemental drinks targeted at picky eaters. I only recommend them for specific patients. It is anecdotal evidence, but most picky eaters I see have an appropriate height and weight for their age despite a horrible diet. These are not the children who will benefit from supplemental drinks. Most of these supplements contain over 250 calories per 8 ounces. This is an excess of calories for a child with an already appropriate weight.

These children need better foods instead of more calories. Some parents use these drinks as meal replacements for their children, which is not recommended. This has the potential to make your child a “pickier” eater. They also lack important things a growing body needs from a well-balanced diet, such as fiber.

What does a pediatrician and father of a picky eater ultimately recommend?  Patience.  It can take several tries for a child to develop a taste for some foods. Make meals fun! Take your child to the grocery store and have them help choose foods and see how meals are prepared from start to finish.

If you plan to reward your child’s eating habits, reward them with things like going to the park or the museum. These set a good example and teach them how to make healthy choices as they age.  Consult your pediatrician if you have concerns about weight or if your child is experiencing gastrointestinal symptoms.

Being a picky eater is a challenge, but you are not alone.  Remember, the habits you teach your child today influence their choices tomorrow.

David Butler, D.O., FAAP, is with Physicians’ Primary Care of Southwest Florida) with offices throughout Lee County.

— familynews
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